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Grounds Department

Grounds Department Bothy Refurbishment

My team are 10 staff based at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and 3 staff based in Aberdeenshire. They provide a valuable service keeping NHS Grampian Properties all over the north east clear and running during winter. They keep the NHS running by providing a winter service that is second to none and is praised regularly by service users. Some of the duties they under are:

  • Grass Cutting
  • Pruning and weeding
  • Chemical Spraying
  • Litter picking and emptying bins
  • Clearing Leaves
  • Snow clearing and gritting
  • Clearing Roads
  • Repairing pot holes
  • Trimming hedges
  • Cross cutting fallen trees
  • On call to attend floods and put down flood defences
  • Making sure the Helipad is clear of snow and frost

The team are out in all weather, rain, hail or sunshine.

The Bothy

The Grounds Department Bothy has been the rest and team space on the ARI site for over 20 years. And in that time hasn’t been upgraded or decorated. It was a space that was always overlooked. It is the place where the team meet, where they start and end their day, take their well-earned breaks and have a comfort break. It is meant to provide a warm, safe area to change out wet clothes and get a hot drink on the coldest and dreariest days. It is where they store their clothes, wash up or have a shower. But it wasn’t comfortable with old plastic chairs, it wasn’t warm or a nice place to sit, the facilities were old and the space not fit for purpose. But with funding through endowments, and support and work from departments across the organisation it is now being upgraded. The space has been painted inside and out, new flooring has been put down and new furniture is on its way. The toilet and shower have been up-graded and it is transforming into a welcoming, warm and safe space for the team to rest and take a well-earned break. The team can also get access to a PC in the Bothy to check emails, get up to date with TURAS training, print work orders and other documents they need. It has notice boards with the information they need on health and safety etc. The work is not finished yet but the space has improved so much already and we know, once it is complete that it be the space the team need and deserve.

Staff Break and Rest Spaces

Staff Break and Rest Spaces is a workflow under the two of the five Key Priority Objectives for NHS Grampian 1: Maintaining Covid Safe Working Environments and 5: Staff Health and Wellbeing. The Grandner’s Bothy was one of the first areas to be supported to upgrade their rest space, but there are now 23 locations involve; with projects ranging from painting, new furniture to structural work to create direct access to staff only outdoor space.

Comfier Chairs